Friday, June 13, 2008

Free Teleclasses - they are back

June Teleclass: Marketing Fundamentals - the 4 Ps.
When: Friday, June 27th Time: 12:00 Noon Pacific Time (1:00 PM Mountain Time, 2:00 PM Central time, and 3:00 PM Eastern time). Click here to convert to other time zones (yes, we love global participation).
Click Here to Register - it's free

After a frustrated attempt to lead a teleclass last May, let us try again. I am dusting off my virtual tele-meeting room and will be ready to lead you all in an exploration of Marketing Fundamentals - the 4 Ps.

Any idea of what the 4 Ps are?

a) Pizza, Panini, Pasta and Provolone
b) Puppies, Pigs, Panthers and Primates
c) Parsvokanasana, Prasaritta Padotanasana, Purvotanasana, Paschimottanasa (please never mind the spelling)
d) Product, Place, Price and Promotion

I know most of use experience marketing as a nasty, inconvenient and annoying form of soliciting. But it does not have to be like this. Understand how marketing can be a process of creating and sharing value that you may, why not, even enjoy engaging with!

Defining an offering that leverages your strengths and serves people's needs is 2/3 of the way to success. While many people get to it intuitively, there's a simple process that can help everyone, from yoga teachers to dentists.

These classes are open to all past, current and future participants, these calls cover a different topic every month. Whether you want a refreshment or a sample, be sure to check it out. These classes may be recorded and used in future trainings/offerings.

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